Sunday, February 21, 2016

Range Review of the K31 Swiss: Old World Charm... But All Business!! - by UGA

Well, we got a chance to get out to the range and test out our K31 Swiss to see what she is capable of. For those unfamiliar, the K31 (Karabiner Model 1931) is a 7.5x55 caliber rifle which in many respects, is close to a 30-06 performance-wise, yet in a case approximately the size of a .308.  For this firing, we had actually been able to get our hands on some hard-to-find, match grade GP11, specifically designed for use in the K31!

We certainly have more accurate rifles in the gun closet, but there’s something intriguing about this old girl. Despite her age, the serial # indicating she was manufactured in 1944 (72 years old), she doesn’t show it when it comes to her ability to perform. We initially got some wide groups, 1.8 MOA @ 100 yards, but after making a few adjustments to the tension of the screws on both barrel bands, we were able to tighten things up a bit!

It really gets the heart pumping when we starting shooting less than MOA from any rifle, especially one this old, with unknown providence.  The group below was our best @ 100 yards, coming in at .85", however, the average of all rounds fired for that day at 100 yards was 1.47″ (this included the initial firing prior to making adjustments to the barrel bands).  We should note that while we were sighting the rifle in, we did have one group that bug-holed 3 rounds, however it was excluded it from our actual results. Below was our best group @ 100! 

Since we were feeling good about the K31’s performance, we decided to stretch her legs a little and see if she could hold her own at 200 yards.   She didn’t disappoint.  Both (6) round groups were virtually identical, coming in at 2.37″ and 2.55″… that’s less than the bullets diameter difference in group size and equals approximately 1.23 MOA.

Overall, we're very impressed and pleased by the outstanding performance this old gal displayed! The K31 Swiss is an exceptional firearm, one that has stood the test of time and should give many more years of dependable service, provided the owner does his part in maintaining her.

Down the road, our intention is to get this girl out to the 600 yard range and if she shoots like we expect, we will then push her out to 1000.   Plan on seeing both of  these results soon!!

All we have to say after a thoroughly enjoyable day at the range with this old girl is... GO SWISS!!

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  1. she will do just fine at 600. i was banging 750 all day yesterday with mine, iron sights and all. the sights are calibrated in meters to the GP11 ammo, so just go for it.
    i'd have gone to 1000 yards but i can't see that far.

    1. Thanks for the comment Terry. The K31 Swiss is just a treat to shoot and it's glad to hear that someone can see further than I can! 750 is a long ways for open sights.... kudos!
